(enchant: ?page, (text-colour: white) + (background: black))
[[login]](enchant: ?page, (text-colour: white) + (background: black))
(set: $username to (prompt: "username:", ""))
Username: $username
(set: $password to (prompt: "password:", ""))
Password: *redacted*
[[I forgot my password]]
(enchant: ?page, (text-colour: white) + (background: black))
Please confirm your username.
We will send your password to your address by carrier hawk.
[[Confirm username]]
[[I forgot my username]](enchant: ?page, (text-colour: white) + (background: black))
Incorrect username or password
[[Try again->begin]]
[[I forgot my password]](enchant: ?page, (text-colour: white) + (background: black))
(set: $username to (prompt: "username:",""))
A hawk has been sent.
[[Back->begin]](enchant: ?page, (text-colour: white) + (background: black))
Please input your ID.
Your ID consists of a string of 24 alphanumeric characters. This can be found tattooed in the soft skin behind your left knee.
[[Input ID]]
[[I don't have an ID->no ID]](enchant: ?page, (text-colour: white) + (background: black))
(set: $ID to (prompt: "ID:", ""))
Invalid ID
[[Back->begin]](enchant: ?page, (text-colour: white) + (background: black))
I... don't believe you. You're lying.
Can you please check the back of your left knee again?
[[I did. It's not there.]](enchant: ?page, (text-colour: white) + (background: black))
I... don't believe you. You're lying.
Can you please recheck the back of your left knee?
**I did. It's not there.**
Remember that your *left* knee is the one on the side where, if you hold out your hands in a gun shape, the one that makes a L when you look at the *back* of your--
Fuck. You really don't have an ID, do you?
[[I really don't.]](enchant: ?page, (text-colour: white) + (background: black))
I... don't believe you. You're lying.
Can you please recheck the back of your left knee?
**I did. It's not there.**
Remember that your *left* knee is the one on the side where, if you hold out your hands in a gun shape, the one that makes a L when you look at the *back* of your--
Fuck. You really don't have an ID, do you?
**I really don't.**
Well. That's... unfortunate.
If you'll wait patiently, a government employee will come and install your monitors and provide you with an ID.
But, for now...
[[Next]](enchant: ?page, (text-colour: white) + (background: black))
You simply can't play.
[[Wait patiently]]
[[Let me in anyway]]
(enchant: ?page, (text-colour: white) + (background: black))
You simply can't play.
<s>Wait patiently</s>
[[Let me in anyway]]
(enchant: ?page, (text-colour: white) + (background: black))
**Let me in.**
Didn't you hear me? You can't enter without at least an ID.
[[Let me in]]
(enchant: ?page, (text-colour: white) + (background: black))
**Let me in.**
Didn't you hear me? You can't enter without at least an ID.
**Let me in**
I said, you can't do that. Here, I'll show you the relevant part of the Terms and Conditions:
*All users must have valid identification before entering. A user may change their name or password, at the cost of 2 liters of blood. This may be gathered over the course of several days, but must not show any signs of clotting or decomposition.
Trustworthy, verifiable ID is necessary to maintain the integrity of our system and the accurate mapping of selves. If you go more than 24 months without logging in, the system might assume that you are dead. Please make a small donation of 0.5 liters of blood to reactivate your identity.
Under no circumstances would users be allowed to forge, steal, or otherwise falsify ID, or enter with any such invalid ID.
[[I don't care. LET ME IN!]](enchant: ?page, (background: navy))
(enchant: ?page, (text-colour: #8B0000) + (background: #f00))
let me in! (click-replace:"let me in!")[]
let me in, (click-replace:"let me in,")[le!](click-replace:"le!")[]
let me in... (click-replace:"let me in...")[]
let me,,, (click-replace:"let me,,,")[me.](click-replace:"me.")[]
[[in]]processing... ,, q4xlc
!!!jfe no identity found,,!
[[welcome,,]](enchant: ?page, (text-colour: black) + (background: white))you wake up in a subtle grass clearing
[[look around]]around you are trees with all their branches twined around each other, as if they could not imagine life **alone**
[[check your inventory]]
(if:$inventory > 0)[You notice [[a small piece of paper]] that slipped out when you took out the playing card.]
you pull out a single playing card. on one side is a rather typical playing card backing of an intricate red design
[[the other side, however...]]
(set: $inventory to 1)(if:$inventory > 0)[(goto-url: "wander.html")]
(if:$inventory < 1)[Don't you want to check your inventory first?
[[back->look around]]]you pull out a single playing card. on one side is a rather typical playing card backing of an intricate red design
the other side, however...
is [[blank->look around]]It reads:
(color: #e619e6)[**Pink links**] merely cause cosmetic changes, and do not affect the narrative.
(color:blue)[**Blue links**] advance the story.(mouseout-replace:"y.")[y, <s>and also have no effect whatsoever.</s>]
[[back->look around]]